Financial Contribution

Your donation will help support the Lions Eye Bank through the Long Island Lions Eye Foundation.

The Long Island Lions Eye Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that allocates monies to:

  • HelpĀ purchaseĀ needed equipment for the Eye Bank Laboratory
  • Promote awareness about the need for organ, tissue, and eye donation in our local communities
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Types of Donations

  • Monetary Contribution ā€“ A donation on behalf or yourself or your family
  • Commemorative Gift ā€“ A donation honoring a special event, such as a birthday, wedding, or anniversary of a friend or a loved one
  • Memorial Gift ā€“ A donation in memory of a family member, friend, or other loved one
  • Ā Legacy Gift ā€“ A donation as part of an estate of charitable trustAll contributors will receive a letter thanking them for their generous support.Ā In addition, for all commemorative gifts, another letter will be sent to the person(s) being honored.


  • * All indicated fields must be completed. Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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